Can we manage the Huawei threat?

The Huawei story rumbles on, fuelled to a great degree by the leak from the National Security Council (NSC) and the subsequent sacking of Gavin Williamson, the Secretary of State for Defence. In the minutes after the news broke, and again after Williamson’s sacking, I was approached by both the BBC and Sky News for […]

Trump’s Huawei hold on UK could help decide next PM

Article by Robert Scammell – Verdict Donald Trump is grabbing the UK by its 5G infrastructure with no intention of letting go – no matter who is prime minister. As the US president meets UK prime minister Theresa May at Downing Street today, he is expected to continue to apply pressure on the British government […]


Article by James Fox – Verdict Encrypt The dramatic extraction of Julian Assange from London’s Ecuadorian embassy in April marked a key moment in the saga of the controversial WikiLeaks founder. But now that his refuge is over, what impact – if any – has he had on the world of cybersecurity? Julian Assange is […]

NCSC: Supply chain security guidance

Proposing a series of 12 principles, designed to help you establish effective control and oversight of your supply chain. Introduction The guidance will provide organisations with an improved awareness of supply chain security, as well as helping to raise the baseline level of competence in this regard, through the continued adoption of good practice. Whilst […]