Why You Should Familiarise Yourself With WannaCry & NotPetya Threats

The use of computers and smartphones are extremely common nowadays. Whether it’s part of your work or for your leisure, securing your computer and smartphone is important.

We have a focus on network and computer safety and security, which is why we encourage you to learn about the WannaCry Ransomware attack and NotPetya Malware. By doing so, you can combat them and avoid them becoming an issue for you. These threats can be costly, and protecting yourself is essential.

WannaCry Ransomware Attack
The WannaCry ransomware attack happened in May 2017, where it targeted those computers running with a Microsoft Window operating system.

With hundreds of thousands of computers being affected across hundreds of countries, it was a serious attack. Most notably, the UK’s National Health Service’s computers were infected, causing a destruction of their services and personal information being released.

NotPetya Malware
Petya is the home of ransomware. It was first discovered in 2016, targeting Microsoft Windows-based systems once again. The aim of it was to infect the master boot record and encrypt the hard drive’s file system, preventing Windows from performing normally. The trick is that it demands the user to make a payment in Bitcoin, and will then allow them to regain full access to the system – for a large price of course.

To keep up to date with the latest threats, bookmark our ‘Threat Of The Week’ blog, all of which is written by our very own computer threat expert, Kevin Whelan.

Kevin has written posts about both WannaCry & NotPetya.