346 – 0X15A – 101011010

The very first Threat Of The Week was posted on 1st February 2013. Since then ITC has published it every week. Today’s blog is the 346th, and as it happens the last, at least to be written by yours truly. All good things come to an end (bad things tend to linger). This week has […]
Oh Catalina!

Over the last few weeks, a number of people have called us up about issues with Apple macOS Catalina, the newest, shiniest operating system from The Sacred Orchard. It started with reports that DJ (and other music) software like Serato, Traktor and the like refused to party with the new operating system causing DJs professional, […]
Hard stare not working? Give them the finger.

Now you could easily think that we are talking about giving someone the bird, as beautifully portrayed in the first film in ‘The Top Gun Franchise’, (anyone else dislike the ‘franchise’ thing? How does it compare for you with calling Members of Parliament ‘Lawmakers’?). You might even think we were talking about the neural network […]

As promised last time, this week’s missive is brought to you from Japan, the land of the rising sun, almost as far East as you can go and therefore closest to The Sun itself in a flat earth model. Unfortunately, the rugby qualifier between England and France (due to be held in Yokohama, near Tokyo) […]
WhatsApp Zuck?

As some of you may be aware, a fair number of us Security types are more than a little suspicious of WhatsApp, believing it to be a monster vector for potential infiltration of private devices which may be used by Nation State (perish the thought) or simply malicious criminals (punctuation entirely deliberate). So suspicious are […]
Naughty Boris

A minute doesn’t seem to go by these days without the Prime Minister getting his wrists slapped, or in the case of this week’s Supreme Court decision being given the full treatment from the spider brooch wearing Lady Hale. As you know we avoid political ranting in this blog, pretty much the only place we […]
Satellite’s Gone

Some of you will be old enough and have enough working synapses to remember the early days of the DEF CON hacking conference. If you think you remember the first one, which was in 1992, you would have to be one of the hundred or so hackers who attended what was essentially a private party […]

We know, it’s just that DNSTLS didn’t sound as nice. This week, the mighty Google announced that it would be experimenting with the use of DNS-Over-HTTPS (aka DoH) in the next version of the Chrome browser (release 78). Now all of our readers will no doubt be aware of many of the functions of DNS, […]
Are You OK UK?

Now it would be very easy to fall into the trap of thinking that we were going to start spouting on about politics, or even worse religion, but oh no we have decided to give the editing team a well-deserved break, and despite the absolute richness of the material available, we are talking about something […]
Whiff WAF

Way back in 2008, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson caused something of a stink about the origins of the game of Ping Pong. Boris (man of the people) claimed it to be invented not by the Chinese, but by the British, batting wine corks around after dinner as far away as The Raj using cigar […]