EDR, MDR, NDR, XDR – how do you take your detection and response?

With Microsoft the latest big name to label their suite of security products and services with the “XDR” moniker, it might seem like those of us offering MDR services have got some catching up to do. Concerned as always that we are lined up with how our customers want to consume security services, especially our […]

Shuffling the Security Stack

Not long after the Microsoft Inspire virtual event in July, the team at ITC Secure signed up to Microsoft Ignite, dropping in on sessions held last week. Microsoft Ignite is an annual flagship conference for developers, technical decision makers and IT implementers. Last year it was held at ExCeL London, which I attended to find out […]

Build a scalable security practice with Azure Lighthouse and Azure Sentinel

Article by Poornima Natarajan – Microsoft The Microsoft Azure Lighthouse product group is excited to launch a blog series covering areas in Azure Lighthouse where we are investing to make our service provider partners and enterprise customers successful with Azure. Our first blog in this series covers a top area of consideration for companies worldwide—Security with […]

What I’ve learned as a Virtual Intern

I am a second-year computer science undergraduate who gained interest in the world of cyber security after researching into the threats posed online and the lucrative market that is personal data theft and obfuscation. I have always been fascinated by the world of computation and have relished the opportunity to work in an industry that […]

Return of the Intern

Having already undertaken a placement at ITC in the summer of 2018, I knew that it was somewhere that I liked working. The feel of the company suited me well and I enjoyed the work that I did during the placement. When I had to choose a placement for this summer, ITC was the first […]

Halfway into my CyberFirst Internship – How’s it going?

As I near the end of my university degree and look towards a career in cyber security, I wanted to gain an extensive understanding of such a rapidly advancing industry. While my previous placements have focused more on security testing, I haven’t had the opportunity to work within a Security Operations Centre (SOC). This unit […]

Why people are the glue in collective defence

Cyber security has historically been an independent almost secretive activity. Organisations have long been extremely reluctant to share any threats they face for fear it will damage their reputation. Similarly, sharing threat data with other organisations has often been viewed as giving away a competitive advantage. However, trying to face cyber threats alone only serves […]

Two days of Teams, Tech and (digital) Transformation?

https://www.linkedin.com/in/iainashall/ After two days (and a bit), Microsoft Inspire has come to an end. An opportunity for the Microsoft global partner community to extend their network and explore what’s coming in the year ahead, this year MS Inspire was a digital experience of webinars and breakout sessions using Teams. ITC Secure is a proud partner […]

Who is Microsoft security for?

I’ve written before of the innovation, ingenuity, coverage and effectiveness of the Microsoft security stack and I’m in no doubt that they have one of the very best “end-to-end” security control and visibility solutions available. So much for that then, but who is the intended consumer? I come across some understandable confusion when talking to […]

To CISO or CISOaaS, that is the question

Data has become one of the most valuable currencies in the world that we now work and live in. Cyber-attacks are becoming more frequent, with the end to stopping cyber-criminals nowhere in sight. In a digital world where technology evolves rapidly and data use and consumption are on the rise, there is an increasing threat […]