Here are 4 practical things that you can do to protect your staff as they work from home, by leveraging your existing Microsoft enterprise agreements:
1. Endpoint device security.
Employees may be working from home for some time and their endpoint devices will require securing, updating and monitoring on a continuous basis; without having physical access to the device. Responding to hacking incidents and conducting forensic investigations will also be additionally complicated.
2. Mobile device security.
Mobile devices are being provided with greater access to document repositories and company archives; to keep employees productive. Many of these will be dual-use personal devices that will require effective mobile device management and a pragmatic ‘bring your own device’ policy to guide employees.
3. Identity management.
Handling identity and access management between multiple devices, in-house applications, cloud service providers and cloud data sources is a complex situation. Whilst multi-factor authentication may be enough to enhance the security on primary company accounts, it is important to consider all related and connected services that employees are accessing during this time.
4. Security monitoring in a perimeter-less environment.
All our solutions, whether on premises or in the cloud, generate security log information that could provide critical insight into compliance breaches or more serious cyber incidents in your business. Most monitoring tools are still catching when trying to monitor cloud data sources or granular identity-related activities. Microsoft’s Azure Sentinel product is cloud-native and able to monitor and detect security incidents more effectively than any tool we have tested.
We’d be happy to talk you through these and will only take 20 minutes of your time.
We have also prepared guidelines on enhancing the security of employees’ home working environments and internet connections. We would be happy to share these with you, your employees and wellbeing teams.
ITC Secure is here to support you and your business and make working from home cyber safe.
If you would like further guidance on how to get started, please get in contact. We’d be happy to help.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]